
Skype sign in using facebook
Skype sign in using facebook

skype sign in using facebook

Work colleagues through Jabber or Yammer… except for some of them who primarily use Skype. Certain family members may be through Facebook… others through WhatsApp or Skype. If I want to call him and speak via voice or video, do I use Skype? Facebook Messenger? Google+ Hangouts? Facetime? Wire? Talko? Viber? Firefox Hello? insert WebRTC or OTT app du jour here>? Or just call him on his regular old phone line?īy trial and error we start to figure out which of the people with whom we regularly communicate are available over which channels. If I want to send a message to Joe, do I send him a message on Skype? Facebook? WhatsApp? Google+? Twitter? SMS? iMessage? BBM? Wire? email? and that creates a bit of a frustrating user experience. The reality is that today we use several different tools for real-time communications. Which communications tool will be the one that people use the most? Will any of them replace the default communications of the mobile phone? and it’s also a war for voice and video.Īnd it all comes back to… which communications application or service can provide the most comprehensive directory of users? There’s a war out there right now… and it’s a war for the future of our communications between each other. It’s all about the “ directory” of users. People will only USE a communication application if the people they want to talk to are using the application.Īnd where I say “talk” it could also be “chat” or “message” or… pick your communication verb. The fundamental challenge all of these applications face is this:

skype sign in using facebook skype sign in using facebook

How do they gather the “directory” of people that others want to talk to? As much as I am enjoying the new Wire app, there is a fundamental dilemma that Wire faces… as well as Talko, Firefox Hello, Subrosa and every other Over-The-Top (OTT) or WebRTC application that is seeking to become THE way that we communicate via voice, chat and/or video from our mobile phones and desktops.

Skype sign in using facebook